

Why does hotdvdshop recommend Rosetta Stone?

I find Rosetta Stone attractive, first, because of the way it engages my mind. It is a puzzle: difficult but not unsolvable. In fact, I am guaranteed success at every turn if I will just stick with it.
Rosetta Stone software includes native-speaker audio, text and the new Level 3 even focuses on video. There are a number of basic exercises that focus on a combination of skills such as reading and writing over listening and speaking or vice versa. There is also a voice recognition feature to aid in learning proper pronunciation.

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I like Rosetta Stone because the program motivates me. All the other programs I've ever tried are more or less "fun" or "pleasant" to work with. But this is the first one that makes me want to learn. It's the first one that provides internal rewards for doing a good job. Practically speaking, in other words, it's the only one I've found that guarantees success.

In fact, that's another reason why I like it. Rosetta Stone comes with a 6-month money-back guarantee. If your children doesn't succeed; if they don't like it; if you don't like it—for any reason—return it to us within six months of the date you purchased it, and we'll gladly refund your entire purchase price.

I like it because Rosetta Stone mimics what I'd experience if I were living in a foreign country trying to figure everything out for myself... Except it is NOT like living in a foreign country, because the speakers are unbelievably patient with me—and will keep repeating themselves, and giving me clues, until I can figure out what they are saying.

I like it because the photos are interesting. And with the new Version 3, the producers have collected more new photos of people, objects and events from around the world and all walks of life—fascinating stories, frozen in a moment.

I like this program because it is a game. It keeps me competing (against myself), yet without excessive pressure.

I like Rosetta Stone because the program teaches me to understand the language—without translation. In other words, I am never encouraged to think of a word in English and then correlate it to the word in the foreign language. Instead I see, and immediately understand, what the speaker is talking about.

I like this program because it permits me to:
learn how to LISTEN and understand native speech.
learn how to READ the language (same method as what I have just described, only using written words instead of spoken).
learn by reading and listening at the same time.
learn to SPEAK the language, by practicing with a "graphical speech analyzer" that gives me at least a minimal amount of feedback about how my speech compares with the native speaker to whom I've been listening.
learn and practice how to WRITE the language. Dictation exercises (spoken by the computer and typed by me into the computer) permit the program to evaluate my spelling, syntax and punctuation. The computer checks my work, indicates mistakes I've made, and lets me correct them.
learn a bit of grammar, too! Rosetta Stone does NOT teach grammar to the same degree that you might find in a traditional classroom. But with the program specially enhanced with tools for homeschoolers, you can definitely can better equip students who may desire to continue foreign language study in a classroom setting. (By the way, Sonlight does not offer the "Personal Edition," which omits these tools—and costs just as much.)

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How to Install Rossetta Stone
Rosetta Stone, a well-known language-instruction software, teach users how to speak Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Polish and numerous other languages. Rosetta Stone also has different skill levels in order to create lessons appropriate to your ability. If you decide to use Rosetta Stone for your language-instruction needs, you will need to know how to install the program.
1.Step 1

Purchase the Rosetta Stone software from the Rosetta Stone website (see Resources below). You will be mailed the software that includes the CD-ROM required to install Rosetta Stone. Place the installation CD-ROM into your computer's CD drive.
2.Step 2

Wait for the installation wizard to appear on your computer. You will be prompted to select a user interface language as well as a destination folder for the files required for Rosetta Stone installation. After these prompts are complete, the install will commence.
3.Step 3

Select the "Finish" key after the program has installed. Rosetta Stone will automatically launch. When you first start Rosetta Stone, you have to set particular preferences in order to use the software. Click the "Add a Language Level" to begin.
4.Step 4

Insert your Language CD-ROM into the computer's drive. After the Language CD-ROM is inserted, a new window will open that asks which language you want to install. Choose one of the language levels from the drop-down menu and then select the folder where you want the contents on your PC to go.
5. Step 5

Add another language level at this time. You can continue to install different language levels or download these files later. If you are finished and ready to use Rosetta Stone, select the "Accept" option. Your settings will be saved, and your selected level will be available for use.

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